History of stadiums

For more than 50 years, Kansas City has been the sports architecture capital of the world. And there’s still no reason to undo that moniker, which originated in large...

The development of sports architecture

50 years ago, in compiling his list of stadiums and expiring leases, Labinski also noted facilities that were in their prime but would require replacement much later. “This huge...

Types of stadiums

For many people, sports are a matter of firm belief. There are many people who regularly visit stadiums around the world every weekend to cheer on their teams and enjoy the company of like-minded people.

Soccer stadium

Soccer is the most popular sport in the world. The rules of the game are the same for all countries and continents.

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Running Stadium

If you run in a stadium, you probably know the length of the first inner track, but there are four to eight tracks on the track.

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Basketball stadium

A basketball stadium is a playing area for the game of basketball, which is a rectangular flat hard surface without any obstacles.

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Volleyball stadium

Volleyball is one of the most popular sports in the world. It is a fascinating game that requires few requirements for the material and technical base of the volleyball...

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Tennis stadium

A court is a place to play tennis, which is a level area consisting of a playing field bounded by lines and a space from the lines (perimeter) to...

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Extreme sports stadium

We owe the emergence of this fascinating sport to England, where motocross was born. It was here, on the outskirts of the capital, that the first motocross competition was...

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Questions about stadiums


The Olesund Arena, Norway is a really old stadium. No stands, people sit and watch games from the rocks. Just a good old beauty!
Eidi Stadium, Faroe Islands – Eidi Stadium is surrounded by the sea! This is where the national soccer games in the Faroe Islands are played. So, are you wondering what happens if the ball goes into the sea? Well, they have a guy in a boat roaming the sea to pick up the balls! Freaky? Isn’t it?
Braga Stadium, Portugal is one of the most expensive, unusual stadiums in the world. The place was full of stones, and it took more than $100 million to clean the stones themselves. It really is one of the most beautiful stadiums in the world.
Marina Bay, Singapore – the entire stadium “floats” in the sea. The surface alone can support the weight of more than 9,000 people, and the gallery around it can hold 30,000 people. Shows the technical development that stadiums have undergone over the years. Truly magnificent work.

What country has the most beautiful soccer stadiums?


Most people say it’s Arrowhead Stadium in KC, which has reached decibel levels in excess of 116 dB, which is an absolute record for any indoor or outdoor stadium. That’s louder than the engine of a 747.
Seattle and Minnesota also regularly register over 100 dB.
What makes Arrowhead unique is that it is designed to amplify and preserve sound.
There was a 1991 game between the Bills without rules and the Chiefs. After one series, the Bills had to huddle because guards and offensive linemen on the Bills’ offensive line couldn’t hear quarterback Jim Kelly play line … at all.

Which NFL team has the loudest stadium?

The Most-Famous

Why Stadiums and why Football? Because soccer is a game of millions, if not billions! And architectural objects such as stadiums are a treasure trove of innovations and advances in architecture, construction and advanced engineering solutions and building materials!

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